Title: Evaluate & Assign Proactive Activities Dept: Community Maintenance
Results: Tackle requests quickly
Participating Positions: Rental Assistant (RA), Maintenance Manager (MM), Maintenance Technician (MT)
Accountable To:) PM
System Quantification: All TO-Do’s should be completed by their assigned due date.
System Standards: We want our residents to be “Pleasantly Surprised”. That happens when we do more than is expected. We don’t want to only do what is asked for. We want to actively look for opportunities to maintain our standards and even make things better. We can’t rest when maintenance tickets are done. We need to be proactive in looking for things that need to be done. In the long run that makes less work as it will help us attract better residents who stay longer and generate less needed repairs.
Participating Positions: Rental Assistant (RA), Maintenance Manager (MM), Maintenance Technician (MT)
Accountable To:) PM
- MM and PM Inputs to-do tickets in RM: To-do’s are things that we at DHB recognize need to be done for the property as a whole in a proactive nature. It could also be something at a particular unit that we noticed needed to be done. Team members will notice things as they are working in the community. Bring those things to the attention of the Maintenance Manager or Property Manager, who will create a “to-do” ticket with an appropriate due date. We need to be constantly encouraging everyone on our team to always have their eyes open and bring anything that may be needed to the attention of the MM or PM
- MM evaluates open tickets: In RM any “to-do” ticket that has yet to be completed will show up under the “open to-do” tab. Everyday, look at all open “to-do’s” and determine what should be tackled today given what other activities need to take place today.
- MM assigns all tickets: Each ticket should be printed and handed to the person best suited to handle it. It could be the MM, a maintenance tech or, under rare conditions an outside vendor.
- MM confirm ability: The person who receives the ticket should look at the ticket and confirm they have the necessary knowledge and experience to take care of it.
- Let residents know: We do not need to let residents know that we are going to complete a maintenance ticket as they directly requested it. If we are doing proactive items, we may need to let the resident know if it will impact them. The RA can send out an email or call the resident to let them know.
System Quantification: All TO-Do’s should be completed by their assigned due date.
System Standards: We want our residents to be “Pleasantly Surprised”. That happens when we do more than is expected. We don’t want to only do what is asked for. We want to actively look for opportunities to maintain our standards and even make things better. We can’t rest when maintenance tickets are done. We need to be proactive in looking for things that need to be done. In the long run that makes less work as it will help us attract better residents who stay longer and generate less needed repairs.