Title: Communicate Info to Residents |
Dept: Customer Service |
Results: Residents understand rules, expectations, policies and procedures
Participating Positions:Rental Assistant (RA), Property Manager (PM)Accountable To:)
System Quantification: Time of RA and PM is not wasted with unnecessary/repetitivequestions
System Standards: Language is respectful and firm, fair to all parties involved and upholds standards and policiesof DHB.
Participating Positions:Rental Assistant (RA), Property Manager (PM)Accountable To:)
- Emails: Resident notifications are sent through RM.
- Text Messages: Send only through RM Correspondence Tab so communications aredocumented on the RM System
- Phone Calls: Document on the RM History/Notes tab
- Office Visits: Always attempt to schedule when possible. Document on the RM History/Notestab
- Email Responses: Copy resident emails to their RM History/Notes tab so all communicationsare documented on their account
System Quantification: Time of RA and PM is not wasted with unnecessary/repetitivequestions
System Standards: Language is respectful and firm, fair to all parties involved and upholds standards and policiesof DHB.