Title: Turnover Budget Dept: Budget
Results: Repairing damage caused by residents that will be taken out of their security deposit
while staying within the turnover budget.
Participating Positions: Maintenance Manager
Accountable To:) Property Manager
Results: Repairing damage caused by residents that will be taken out of their security deposit
while staying within the turnover budget.
Participating Positions: Maintenance Manager
Accountable To:) Property Manager
- Monthly Budget: There is no set amount. After a resident moves out, we will add the money we keep from their deposit to this budget. It will be added to the Divvy card on the “turnover budget”. We want to stay under this amount in getting the unit ready for the next resident. If there is excessive damage that the security deposit will not cover, the management team can discuss allocating additional funds.
- Tracking: All funds spent on materials or to pay outside vendors should be spent with the Divvy card.
- Use the Divvy to select the “turnover budget” before spending money on turnover materials or vendors. The app will track how much is spent. Any of the turnover budget not spent will carry over and be available for future turnovers.
- Review: Check app throughout the turnover to be aware of how much is available to spend to finish the turnover. Adjust spending accordingly.