Title: Address Lease Violations |
Dept: Customer Service |
Results: Residents are accountable to lease contract, and DHB is accountable tocommitments made in lease
Participating Positions:Rental Assistant (RA), Property Manager (PM)Accountable To:)
System Quantification: Ask questions and take in as much information as possible. Do not accuse or reveal whatsomeone else told you
System Standards: Give residents the information they need to correct issue. We do not want to evict. We wantthe lease contract to be upheld by all parties.
Participating Positions:Rental Assistant (RA), Property Manager (PM)Accountable To:)
- Pro-Active: After monthly property inspection note any violations in Resident’s User DefineField
- Re-active: If issues are brought by maintenance or another resident, always inquire to findout more information, do not accuse.
- Email/Post: Email and Post hard copy of RM Template ‘Notice to Cure’
- Follow Up: After notice to cure time has expired complete follow up inspection to ensureresolution, or note if no additional incidences have occurred.
- Unresolved Violations: Email and Post RM Template Lease Termination Notice.6.Eviction:If resident does not vacate at end of termination expiration, proceed to EvictionProcedure Steps
System Quantification: Ask questions and take in as much information as possible. Do not accuse or reveal whatsomeone else told you
System Standards: Give residents the information they need to correct issue. We do not want to evict. We wantthe lease contract to be upheld by all parties.