Title: Rent Collection |
Dept: Accounting |
Results: Collect all rent owed for the current month by the end of the month.
Participating Positions:Bookkeeper (BK),Rental Assistant (RA), Property Manager (PM)Vendors involved: Eviction Attorney (EA)Accountable To:)PM
System Quantification: We want to have 100% of therent owed collected by the end of the month. If anyonedoes not pay the rent in full, we want to have them removed in the next calendar month so we can rent theapartment to a new resident.
System Standards: (Quality, Quantity, Timing, & Behaviorrelated to this SOP)
1.Our goal is to have delinquent residents removed by the following calendar month.
2.It is important to be very consistent in our communication and treatment of the residents that live in ourcommunity.....which is why exceptions to this protocol are VERY rare.
3.DHB is firm but fair. We have a responsibility to all the paying residents to remove residents that do notpay. Residents that do not pay, put the stability and quality of the community at risk. All the residents relyon each other to pay their rent to maintain the quality of their living environment. To let one resident notpay, is to the detriment of those that do.
Participating Positions:Bookkeeper (BK),Rental Assistant (RA), Property Manager (PM)Vendors involved: Eviction Attorney (EA)Accountable To:)PM
- Establish what is owed(PM): On the 6th,of every month,RM automatically applies late fees to anyoutstanding balances.On the 6th, generate a delinquency report in RM. That report will let us know whostill owes rent and how much they owe. We then send out an email to everyone with a balance to remindthem to pay. That email is generated in RM using an existing template.(See RM training manual)
- 3 daynotice: (PM):On the 7thof the month, generate another delinquency report. Anyone that still owesmoney, will receive a “3 Day notice”. (PM) Generate the3 day notices using a template in RMand post oneach delinquent residents’door.(See RM training manual) a. Once we issue a 3 day notice, we cannot accept any rent payments.If we do we need to start over.We only will accept rent if it is paid in full.
- Disable Online Payments: Disable online rent payment in the resident’s RM account. That will stop themfrom making a partial payment online, which would force us to start the eviction process over.
- Evaluate Eviction:(PM): 3 business days after the 3 day notices were posted, generateanotherdelinquency report. Anyone on thislist is open to eviction proceedings.Review this list to see if there areanyHIGHLY UNUSUALsituations that would result in someone being removed from the eviction list. If rentis owed, the expectation is that we initiate eviction proceedings.Historically, delaying eviction proceedingsonly makes the situation worse...for the resident, for their neighbors and for us.
- nitiate Eviction(PM): Reach out to our attorney to begin the eviction processfor everyone left on thedelinquency list.NEED SPECIFICS
- Monitor(PM): Once served with eviction papers, residents may do a few different things. They may pay.They may unexpectedly move out.Continue to generate a delinquency report every few days to see ifanyone has made additional payments.They may leave prior to the court date. Every few days, walk bytheir apartment to see if they have moved or if they appear to be starting to move. They may do nothingand wait for the court date to arrive. If they move out prior to court, communicatewith the MM so thelocks can be changed and we can start preparing for a new resident.
- Post Eviction: After the eviction proceedings, we will be notified what the outcome is. In almost all cases,we will be granted an immediate eviction. We will receive a writ ofpossession. That needs to be postedon the resident’s front door. From the time it is posted, the resident has 72hours to vacate the premises.(If we are not granted an immediate eviction in court, communicate with the owners to decide ournextsteps).
- Vacate: If they do not vacate on their own72 hours after posting the writ of eviction on the door,contactthe attorney that facilitated the eviction. They will advise on how to engage the sheriff to come. Thesheriff will arrive and askthe resident to leave. If they do not leave, the officer will physically removethem. Once they are removed we change the locks. All items left behind are considered abandoned by theresident
System Quantification: We want to have 100% of therent owed collected by the end of the month. If anyonedoes not pay the rent in full, we want to have them removed in the next calendar month so we can rent theapartment to a new resident.
System Standards: (Quality, Quantity, Timing, & Behaviorrelated to this SOP)
1.Our goal is to have delinquent residents removed by the following calendar month.
2.It is important to be very consistent in our communication and treatment of the residents that live in ourcommunity.....which is why exceptions to this protocol are VERY rare.
3.DHB is firm but fair. We have a responsibility to all the paying residents to remove residents that do notpay. Residents that do not pay, put the stability and quality of the community at risk. All the residents relyon each other to pay their rent to maintain the quality of their living environment. To let one resident notpay, is to the detriment of those that do.